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Vintage USALite Flashlights #9

USA Lite

USA LITE logo This gallery of flashlights will start off the year 2021. The USALite flashlight to the right is from the late 30's or early 40's. Has USALite printed above the switch, and the bullet style end cap is blank.

The end of 2021 is almost here, and - I didn't add another gallery of flashlight this year. So I'll share my USALite C cell lights all together instead. See below.

View USALite C cells flashlights - Here »

USALite C cell flashlights. They had some names for their flashlights seen in ads. I'll make a list and add the names, by the flashlights at another time.

All you need to do now is move your mouse pointer over any flashlight, to view an enlarged photo with a short description on each flashlight.
