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Vintage Table Lighters

This is the first first gallery of Vintage Table Lighters I have to share with you, or as some folks call'em... Table Top Lighters or Desk Top Lighters. Either way, these vintage table lighters came in different sizes, shapes and colors. I added a few more vintage table lighters in this gallery just to finish it out, and may add a few more. Some are the novelty type table lighters.

cigarette despencer box

On the right is a vintage wooden box cigarette dispenser which would sit by your favorite table lighter. Just press down on the top button and a cigarette comes back up in the slot. It has two side boxes on the inside that holds the cigarettes.

The second gallery of table lighters are mostly vintage novelty table lighters. The third and fourth table galleries will be the vintage electric table lighters. The Hunt Is On!

1930's Thorens
Double Claw

1930's Thorens
Double Claw

1930's Thorens
Double Claw

Ronson Touchtip


W.B. MFG. Co.

Ronson Jumbo

Made by Chase

Ronson Colony

Made by A.S.R.

Made By A.S.R.

Lift Arm Lighter

Made in Occupied Japan

1920's Ronson De-Light
Pat. Date Jan. 17, 1920

Evans Golden Pear Table Lighter

Inside The Evans Golden Pear

Evans Black Enamel Egg Shape

Evans White Enamel Egg

Made By A.S.P. 3" x 3 1/4"

Round Chrome Lighter 3" x 3 1/4"

Trench Bullet Lighter

Made By Excello 4" Tall

Strike A Lite Table Lighters. Made In USA. 3 1/2" tall

Daltis Table Lighters. 4" tall

1930's Hunters Scene Semi-Automatic Table Lighter.
Made In Japan. 3 1/4" tall

Brown Bakelite Liftarm 2 1/4" x 3 1/4 tall

Big Lift Arm Table Lighter with 1922 Silver Dollar.
5 1/2 x 3 1/2.

Crest 2 1/2" x 3" Ronson 2 1/2" x 3" 1/4".

Vintage Tinder Pistol. Looks like the Dunhill model. This one has no name brand. 5 1/2" long.

Bowers Table Lighter

Made by Bowers MFG Co. 3 1/2 Inches Tall

Gothic Lighter

Brown & Bigelow Gothic table lighter. 2 1/2 Inches Tall

Small Table Lighter

Made in Austria. Has a slide for wind break. 2 1/2 Inches Tall


Sterling table lighter by Frank M. Whiting Company. Stands 3" tall.


Evans with round glass base. These will look nice with colored water in the base. Stands 4 1/2" tall.

Space Needle

1962 Worlds Fair Space Needle. 10 inches tall. These also came in chrome.

Statue Of Liberty

Statue Of Liberty Lighter. Press the book in the left hand, to light the torch lighter which is held in the right hand. 5 1/2 inches tall.

Evans Boot Lighters

Evans Black Boot Table Lighter. Notice the detail on the bottom. Has a leather strap with a brass buckel and even has a brass spur. 7" tall.

Evans Brown Boot Table Lighter. 7" tall

Microphone Lighter

1950's art deco radio microphone lighter. Chromed brass with plastic accents. US Pat. pending, made in Japan. 4 3/4" tall.

Barrel Lighter

Red barrel table lighter. Made in USA. Stands 3" tall.

Chair Lighter

Red chair table lighter with checker board seat. Stands 4 1/2" tall.

Cigar Oil Lighter

E. G. Webster & Son. Silver plated table cigar oil lighter. With a severing handle. Stands 3" tall when the cap is on and about 4 1/4" from the body to the handle end.